Macauley, Chandra

Dr. Chandra Macauley

Gruppenleiterin Atomsondentomographie & 3D-Nanoanalytik

Department Werkstoffwissenschaften (WW)
Lehrstuhl für Werkstoffwissenschaften (Allgemeine Werkstoffeigenschaften)

Raum: Raum 02.171
Cauerstraße 3
91058 Erlangen

Chandra Macauley received her bachelors in chemical engineering from Montana State University Bozeman in 2011. During her bachelors she studied solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) in the High Temperature Materials Laboratory with Prof. Paul Gannon. She also spent a year in Sweden studying energy engineering. Moving from one beautiful place to the next, she pursued her PhD from the highly-ranked Materials Department at the University of California Santa Barbara, working with Prof. Carlos Levi on ceramic (Zirconia-based) thermal barrier coatings. While she developed her expertise in ceramics, she also gained experience with a multitude of characterization techniques. During her PhD she spent a summer working at GE’s Global Research Center and a spring as an International Research Fellow at the Australian Centre of Microscopy and Microanalysis in Sydney, Australia (working with Prof. Julie Cairney). After obtaining her PhD in 2016, she started as a postdoc at FAU in 2017, working with Prof. Peter Felfer.


CV and details of research works can be found:



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