
Focus issue on advanced nanomechanical testing published in Journal of Materials Research (JMR) with Benoit Merle, Verena Maier-Kiener (MU Leoben), Timothy Rupert (UC Irvine) and George Pharr (Texas A&M) as guest editors. Access the full content of the focus issue for free here.

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The Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz GWK decided on July 2, 2021 to fund the NFDI-MatWerk consortia. It followed the recommendation of the expert panel and the German Research Foundation DFG. Prof. Erik Bitzek is Co-Spokesperson of NFDI-MatWerk and in charge for the Task Area Materials Data Infr...

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Beyond hardness and elastic modulus: Alternative uses of nanoindentation Dr. Paul Baral (UC Louvain) (Nano)indentation has been investigated for more than 50 years to the extent that a tremendous amount of work has been dedicated to quantitatively extract the mechanical properties of small mater...

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A new publication entitled “Understanding creep of a single-crystalline Co-Al-W-Ta superalloy by studying the deformation mechanism, segregation tendency and stacking fault energy” was recently published in Acta Materialia. This nice collaboration of various project partners of the SFB/TR103 and the...

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Towards precipitate mechanism informed design of processing methods in nickel-based superalloys Dr. David Collins School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham, UK It is well known that single crystal and powder-based polycrystalline nickel-base superalloys inherit microstructu...

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The colloquium aims to provide a platform to discuss recent advances in computational modeling of fracture at various length and time scales. The event will take place from April 22 to July 22, 2021, and will comprise a series of weekly invited talks by international experts tackling the aforemen...

Kategorie: Allgemein, Slider

Herr Zhuocheng Xie beschäftigte sich während seiner Promotion mit dem Thema „Atomistic Simulations of Dislocation Nucleation-Controlled Plasticity in FCC Metallic Nano-Objects: Role of Topology, Surface Morphology and Internal Interfaces.“ Mit der Verteidigung am 01.12.2020 schloss er die Promotion ...

Kategorie: Allgemein, Slider

Herr Sven Giese beschäftigte sich während seiner Promotion mit dem Thema "Mechanische Eigenschaften von Oxidations- und Wärmedämmschichtmaterialien - Mikrozugkriech- und Mikrobiegeversuche" und schloss diese am 09. Oktober 2020 mit seiner Verteidigung erfolgreich ab. Das Promotionsorgan bestand aus ...

Kategorie: Allgemein, Slider