
PD Benoit Merle erhält von der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Materialkunde (DGM) den Masing-Gedächtnispreis 2021 für seine Beiträge zu den mechanischen Eigenschaften dünner Schichten und zur Weiterentwicklung nanomechanischer Prüfverfahren.

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Die Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) baut ihre High-Performance-Computing-(HPC)-Ressourcen mit dem neuen Zentrum für Nationales Hochleistungsrechnen Erlangen (NHR@FAU) und der Auftragserteilung für einen neuen Supercomputer signifikant aus. Am 14.07.2021 unterzeichnete das ...

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Focus issue on advanced nanomechanical testing published in Journal of Materials Research (JMR) with Benoit Merle, Verena Maier-Kiener (MU Leoben), Timothy Rupert (UC Irvine) and George Pharr (Texas A&M) as guest editors. Access the full content of the focus issue for free here.

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The Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz GWK decided on July 2, 2021 to fund the NFDI-MatWerk consortia. It followed the recommendation of the expert panel and the German Research Foundation DFG. Prof. Erik Bitzek is Co-Spokesperson of NFDI-MatWerk and in charge for the Task Area Materials Data Infr...

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Beyond hardness and elastic modulus: Alternative uses of nanoindentation Dr. Paul Baral (UC Louvain) (Nano)indentation has been investigated for more than 50 years to the extent that a tremendous amount of work has been dedicated to quantitatively extract the mechanical properties of small mater...

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A new publication entitled “Understanding creep of a single-crystalline Co-Al-W-Ta superalloy by studying the deformation mechanism, segregation tendency and stacking fault energy” was recently published in Acta Materialia. This nice collaboration of various project partners of the SFB/TR103 and the...

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Towards precipitate mechanism informed design of processing methods in nickel-based superalloys Dr. David Collins School of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham, UK It is well known that single crystal and powder-based polycrystalline nickel-base superalloys inherit microstructu...

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